Guys and THESE Dolls!

VOS THEATRE caught up with our Hotbox Dancers


(left to right) Heather Town, Bailey Cressman, Michele MacAdam, Marlena Sculthorpe, (Miss Adelaide) Gemma Varty and Krista Sluiman. (Angela Main was reading and catching some rays in Arizona when photos were taken)

VOS THEATRE: Well aren’t you a spectacular group? You’re a singing, dancing glamorous bunch. Are the Hotbox Girls fun to play given 4 of you just left  straight laced fun in Avonlea?


Krista: I never thought I would do a role like this, Anne of Green Gables was much more in my wheel house, but I am loving every minute of it.

Angela: Most definitely a departure from characters like Miss Stacy and Truly Scrumptious! However, it is always fun to do roles that are different and varied.

Michele: I have danced in some of the previous shows I’ve been in, but the choreography in this show is very creative and has been challenging. I’ve loved learning the different styles and can’t wait to see it all come together.

Gemma: It is most definitely a change from sweet, innocent Diana, but I am certainly enjoying working and dancing with the other HotBox girls!

Bailey: The HotBox girls are the definition of fun! With “Guys and Dolls” being my first community theatre musical, being a HotBox girl is very different from my own personality, and I’m having a great time with it!

Heather: I’ve always loved the more dance heavy characters I’ve played in the past, so this is definitely a great switch from Prissy Andrews of Avonlea. I’m loving being back in the dancing shoes.

VOS THEATRE: Which costume are you most excited to wear?


Krista: Definitely the costume for Take Back your Mink!

Angela: Bushel! I think they are adorable!

Michele: Tough question because I have many to choose from, but I have to go with the dresses and furs from “Take Back Your Mink”…eek!

Gemma: The beautiful pink gown for Take Back Your Mink, although we don’t get to wear them for too long.

Bailey: We all look awesome in the pink gowns for Take Back Your Mink, so they would have to be the winner for me.

Heather: All the hot box costumes are going to be so fun, but I’d have to agree with the other girls. I think the Mink outfits will be my favourite, mostly because of the mid-song “costume change”. A little different from any other shows I’ve been in!

VOS THEATRE: In one word what’s been the most fun during the process this far?


Krista: Dancing

Angela: Choreo

Michele: Camaraderie

Gemma: Collaboration

Bailey: Teamwork

Heather: Costumes

VOS THEATRE: Is there a challenge playing a 1950’s showgirl when you’re a community theatre actress in 2018?


Krista: I think there might be 1950’s showgirl in all of us just waiting to get out.   The challenge might be putting her back in!

Angela: I don’t have much showgirl experience at all, so I will have to say yes. But what girl doesn’t want to play dress up in adorable costumes?

Michele: For sure! Especially trying to move and act like someone from that era. I love being able to escape to that time though.

Gemma: I think there is a challenge in totally understanding the mindset of a women back then, but doing researching into that era and what it would have been like to live back then is quite fun!

Bailey: I believe that we have a lot more to relate with these women of the past, but the challenge is keeping that authenticity and relatability, while adding my own spin to it!

Heather: It can be a little challenging, but our fantastic costume department really helps get us in the mindset. I can’t wait to start practicing hair and makeup for the era!

VOS THEATRE: Who inspires you?


Krista: That’s a tough one. I would say it is the theatre community as a whole.  People that volunteer to do what they love to bring entertainment and inspiration to others.

Angela: My mother. She is such a lovely, caring, hard-working, genuine person. She has taught me the value of hard work, commitment, and being a good person.

Michele: My two girls. Despite their many challenges, they are the happiest, sweetest kids I know. They inspire me to be a better person, teacher, and mom. They bring me so much joy.

Gemma: My Dad. We have been through a lot together and he has always been there to support any idea or dream that I may have.

Bailey: My family and my friends, they were the ones that encouraged me to get involved with my local theatre in the first place.

Heather: My cast-mates. Creating new bonds with different people in each show is one of my favourite parts of theatre.

VOS THEATRE: What are you binging on Netflix right now when you’re not at rehearsal?

Krista: I just finished watching all 4 seasons of Reign.

Angela: Grey’s Anatomy for the third time.

Michele: “This Is Us” and “Breaking Bad”.

Gemma: I just finished watching all of Friends, so I am now watching Suits.

Bailey: I’m binging on this really cool show called The Librarians, unfortunately it’s not on Netflix, but it’s my new favourite show!

Heather: Jessica Jones

VOS THEATRE: In 3 words or less why will audiences love this show.

Krista: HOT BOX GIRLS! 🙂

Angela: Classic Musical

Michele: (The) Songs, dances & laughs

Bailey: It’s light, sweet and hilarious!

Heather: It’s a fun, memorable, classic.


Guys & Dolls runs from April 19-2018 at Victoria Hall in Cobourg
Call the Box Office 905-372-2210
or Purchase Your Tickets Online Now
