June is a busy month… even when we aren’t producing a show

June is a busy month for VOS Theatre. This June when all has changed a few things remain the same.

We continue to be dedicated to providing students with scholarships that can be used to reduce the expense of higher education. We provide 1 scholarship for $500 to each of 4 High Schools in Northumberland County. Port Hope High School, CCI, St. Mary and ENSS.

We also award two additional scholarships to students chosen by a Committee of VOS Members. The Ruth Harcourt Scholarship and the Watson Scholarship. Please see our website to have a look at the criteria.

The Harcort Scholarship is awarded to a graduating student who will be attending post secondary education in Sept. 2021. The winner does NOT need to be pursuing theatre in a degree program.

The Watson Scholarship is awarded to a student who will be studying at a Post-Secondary School or entering into an accredited apprenticeship.

Visit our Website for more information on the Ruth Harcourt and Watson Scholarships. The deadline to apply approaches!

Now to Raise Funds…

We appreciate the support of Arthur’s Pub in Cobourg. Here’s a yummy way you can help with the cost of scholarship in a year when fundraising from 50/50 draws has been impossible.

If you would like to donate towards the $3500.00 worth of scholarships we give away each year you can do this by following the instructions on our scholarship page.

Annual General Meeting

Join us as we review a challenging year. The VOS Board has stayed in touch and ensured that the organization continues to thrive under very restrictive circumstances.

Email us theatre@vostheatre.com for the Zoom link.